Tuesday 16 February 2010

The Beginning

Welcome one and all! Due to events that were out of my control I have become unemployed, again. Due to this I have quite a bit of free time on in which to do whatever I please. Mostly this has been computer games but there's only so many times one can save the galaxy or shoot astronauts (or cosmonauts if you prefer) before you need to take a break and return to the soul crushing depression that is real life. Now since I studied journalism and am finding that the 140 word limit on Twitter is just not enough I've foolishly decided to start writing stuff here. I have no idea what to expect but I can assure you that by reading it you will become less of a human being, maybe you may even devolve down to the cynical husk which I have become. One can only dream.
First things first, I'm sure the one or two of you reading this don't want to know anything about me, either you already know too much or nothing at all. I find that both of these are unacceptable. Let's just say that I'm a optimistic pessimist, that is to say that I firmly believe that humanity will reach it's best while doing it's worse, there will be more on this later. Other then this I am saying nothing, you will find out more as I go, assuming that I keep this up.

Now lets see, what should my first post be about in earnest? I know, the weather! Right now it's raining, something that is not uncommon where I live. As a small child I use to be scared of thunderstorms, however I got past that I now find them quite exciting. Alas it is too cold now for a thunderstorm but there is still rain. I must admit, I like the rain. I'm not a sunny weather type of person, my ideal conditions would be overcast at best, nothing too bright. As I stated I like the rain, just listening to it is something that I find soothing. I don't mind being in the rain so long as it is a comfortable temperature. Too cold and the enjoyment wears thin but a nice cool or warm rain is a good thing to be in. There's something about it that I just like. It's actually quite hard to find a solid reason, I just do.

Now this is starting to drag on and sound stupid so I'll end it here.

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