Wednesday 17 February 2010

Yet More Notes

Look! I found more random scribblings!

Speedboats and dirt bike tracks

I have no idea as to what I was thinking when I wrote this down, maybe speedboats on flooded dirt bike tracks doing jumps? Who knows.

Sword Fight Health Plan

I do remember this one. The idea was to make exercise fun and dangerous, or more so then it is already. Each person in the event would be given a wooden sword and a small wooden shield or buckler to be attached to their off arm. Pirate hats are optional but encouraged. Then in order to exercise the group would just have a massive sword fight using whatever obstacles that present themselves to their advantage. The fight would continue until someone gets seriously hurt or all included are too exhausted to do any more. Any real violence would be discouraged, after all the idea is to keep the fight going, not end it with a wooden sword impaled in ones chest. Now reading this it may sound stupid but I bet that once you're kitted up and things get going you won't want to stop, plus all the jumping, running, swashing and buckling will make a good work out. I have yet to find a good place for supplies or any willing volunteers to actually try this out, but if they are out there hit me up.

The Hall of Mirrors

This is based on a dream I had a while back, it was a very vivid dream, one that left me more confused and disorientated then usual. In this dream I was in a vast castle, more specifically a long hallway with a bunch of antique mirrors mounted on a track system. I could move the mirrors along this track, they would appear or disappear into recesses which where too narrow for me to fit through. Each mirror portrayed another world or reality and I found that I could enter this just by walking through the glass. As I explored these new realms I found that they were not of my own creation but rather dream worlds created by other people. I would hop from one to the other observing peoples dreams and I even found that with a bit of practice I could change them. It was all rather bizarre. Now things got confusing when I woke up for the first time. I was unaware that I was actually still asleep at this point so I actively went looking for people who I'd seen in my dreams and asked them if they remembered what had happened in their dreams. Of course non of them remembered a thing and I returned more intrigued then ever as to what had transpired. It was after I went back to sleep (I was still dreaming in real life here) and woke up in the real world that I became really confused. The entire thing felt so real and yet I had no way to prove that it was. I even felt pain from where I had injured myself in one of these dream worlds. As I said this left me disoriented for some time and I have just put the whole thing off as some crazy dream, but still, it freaks me out a bit.

That's it for now.

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